[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Mia Brusdal Once upon a time.... By Mia Brusdal Hi there, Just want to write a couple of things what all this means to me. As I am working as a secretary and I am pretty young I like to find out things by my own, so I started to explore the Net. At first I didn't like it because I couldn't figure out how it worked, but I learned and now it seems I can't be without it. You can find everything here like, friends for life, things that helps you in your work, you can get interesting ideas about different things even get some education. The Net to me is some kind of freedom. I can be myself and not pretend and just talk to whom I choose. I use E-mail everyday, to be in contact with my dearest friends in the States and during work. We E-mail each other every day between the different departements. So this democracy means so much to me, so please don't take it away. The Net gives you so many opportunities. Thanks for listening... Best regards Mia --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]